Success in the Virtual Workplace

Written by nextpathcp

On April 20, 2020

Written by Stephanie Markese, Vice President

In this day in age, working remotely is becoming more common than it was even just a few years ago and will likely continue to head that way for the long term. Companies are seeing that employees work just as hard from home as they do from the office. While eliminating distractions such as commute time and office disruptions. Even a flexible work environment, with a few days from home, is becoming the norm.

Once you start a new job, the first 90 days are the most crucial. Your manager will be assessing how well you fit in with the culture and how quickly you get up to speed. When your new job is remote, it can be that much harder (and take longer) to do that, especially if you are coming from a traditional, non-virtual workplace. Here are some tips for making WFH a virtual success!

1. Set up your workspace. It is important to set your virtual office somewhere that is in a low traffic area where there are not a lot of distractions. The environment should be comfortable (but not too comfy), have plenty of light, and not a lot of clutter.

2. Make sure you have all the tools you need – do you have the necessities and know how to use them? Make sure you are familiar with all the technologies and tools that the company uses. Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions! You don’t want a month to go by and then ask it.

3. Keep open and clear communication with managers, leaders, and team members. Get to know your team. Be approachable & set expectations. This is especially important in that first 90 days.

4. Be consistent and keep a schedule. It’s easy when you WFH to sleep in, stay in your PJs, and get distracted by social media. Don’t let this be you! This can hinder performance tremendously. Even something as simple as getting dressed for the day can get you motivated.

5. Use Video when possible…We are social creatures after all. Even the most introverted introverts can feel energized by this brainstorming. This also shows people that you are approachable and builds better relationships.

6. Maintain a balance. It’s easy to get burnt out if you do not maintain a work-life balance when working from home. Working late, skipping lunch, and not making time for you or your family can throw off your balance. Set start times as well as end times to your day, and TAKE A BREAK!


  • Set up your workspace.
  • Make sure you have all the tools you’ll need.
  • Keep open and clear communication.
  • Keep a schedule.
  • Use video calls to stay engaged.
  • Maintain a work-life balance.

If you have further questions please reach out at!

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